What's Your Intelligence Type?

Often times, we see our barriers before our skill sets when it comes to what is it we can be in our lives. As we evaluate ourselves and our skill sets during our job searches, we can also learn of what types of intelligences we have. From there, we can better understand what skills we are good at as well as how we can improve ourselves as we learn new one.

It has been proven that there are eight types of intelligences. This is also relevant to the science behind how one uses either side of their brain for the learning processes. Before I go into the types of intelligences, one must realize that no one has only one type but maybe stronger in one then the other. Once one is better aware of their intelligence type strength, one can learn faster, gain confidence and improve on any weaknesses one may have.

1. Interpersonal – This intelligence is about social interaction and working with people. One who is always working in a group, especially surrounding themselves with like minded individuals.

2. Intrapersonal – Some what the opposite of an interpersonal intelligence. One who is self conscious and with a strong sense of individuality. One who is very well aware of their inner self, can work alone and set themselves on task with very minimal supervision.

3. Kinesthetic – This intelligence is connected with movement and the sense of touch. One who can be seen doodling while in a meeting or prefer conversing while taking a walk. Many children have a strong kinesthetic intelligence from birth and learn by touching (and tasting) everything!

4. Musical – Another stimulating type of intelligence, recognized in many studies that those participating in musical activities, even just listening to their favorite genre of music, as they work get far more ahead then without. Something also connected with the way either side of one’s brain works, one who is strong in this intelligence are strong in areas utilizing patterns such as music of course, math & programming.

5. Naturalistic – One who is comfortable and knowledgeable about nature and the environment. One who can be seen outdoors, prefers to be surrounded by natural scenery such as the ocean or trees. Individuals strong in this type of intelligence are mostly known for their creativity and sense of being focused yet relaxed.

6. Visual/Spatial – This intelligence is all about the visualization of things. One who understands colors, shapes and see how things seem to fit together. This intelligence strength has been recognized in recent years now with the popularity of visuals such as mapping an idea through an image or video and being easily made and shared throughout the internet, placed in professional presentations and taught in educational systems.

7. Verbal/Linguistic – One of the two most popular types of intelligences very much emphasized in public schools. Ones who utilize their strong vocabulary either when being spoken or written. Individuals with this strength can handle the load of paperwork, language specific types of documentation such as the “legal lingo” and speech writing.

8. Logical/Mathematical – The second most popular type of intelligence emphasized in public schools. Ones who can handle formulas such as algebra or statistics. Many with this intelligence strength take on careers as computer programmers, engineers, physicists and of course mathematicians.

With the knowledge of the eight intelligence types, one should be able to recognize the type of learning and working styles they are best at. Again, not any one person has just one strong type of intelligence, but I think each of us definitely has one that can be stronger than the other.

If you must know, my intelligence type would have to be interpersonal, visual, musical and verbal. What’s your intelligence type?

3 thoughts on “What's Your Intelligence Type?

  1. My intelligence type would have to fall under interpersonal as well as intrapersonal, in that I can fit in working with a group in some situations and manage on my own in others. Sometimes I can be kinesthetic and other times motivated to stay ahead of schedule, consistent and fired up to keep things in a timely manner. I can be visual/spatial as well as naturalistic, logical and fond of certain equations.

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