Two Thirds of My Life, Worn Proudly

This week marks 20 years since I’ve taken the decision to don the hijab.

I’m not posting this rant to celebrate, brag or showcase my sense of religiousness because all of that is mine and mine alone. I am posting this rant because I’ve been asked by many of my readers/followers/fans of all faiths alike why I have donned the hijab and how I’ve stuck to it for so long.

I made this decision on my own at a young age when I learned the basic Islamic guidelines of hijab. So of course, there was a few times where I’ve checked the rear view mirror, reevaluated my decision and came to the realization that hijab was a part of who I am. So much so, that taking it off would not allow me to be myself. Hijab was not a fashion statement of mine -although I am quite fashionable thank you very much- but it’s a part of who I am as a Muslimah, a part of who I am as a person.

the high school look
the high school look

Sticking to it as a teenager wasn’t always easy. However, I didn’t mind having to explain why I was always covered up, that I was not hot in that and no, I didn’t shower while wearing that. I did learn during that time that when one believes strongly in something, one does find themselves making every effort every day towards that belief.

My belief was to be myself. It didn’t matter whether anyone else approved of it or not. It didn’t matter the dictated trend or what everyone else looked like. My belief was to be myself.

I’m loud. I’m spontaneous. I’m family oriented. I laugh at almost anything. I’m very highly educated. I’m happily single. I’m 21 years old for the tenth time. I’m bilingual. I’m multicultural. I’m always hungry. I’m living on my own in another country. I’m too cool to be reckoned with. I’m simply amazing. I’m all that and more in my own hijab.

One of the main reasons for hijab in Islam to be seen for your inner beauty, intellect and soul rather than your outer beauty alone. I know that no matter the look I decide to take-on at any given time, it suits my inner beauty, my intellect and my soul perfectly.

This week marks 20 years since I’ve taken the decision to don the hijab. This week marks two thirds of my life, worn proudly.

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“No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it.” -Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Music Video of the Day

Many of you may or may not know that I barely watch music videos. It pretty much started when the quality went from fabulous to WTF a few years ago. Music videos would literally ruin a song I’d love passionately! So to prevent the ruining, I simply just stopped watching.

However, my Aunt Marie just told me about the latest Bruno Mars’ music video for Treasure and insisted I watch it. Figuring that the great Bruno Mars can’t do no wrong, I hesitantly went on YouTube and was simply taken aback by this amazement of a video. Classic, vintage and suits this great song so well.

Will I YouTube more music videos now? I don’t know but for now, enjoy the first (of hopefully many) Music Video of the Day!

Zakat Recommendations

It’s that time of year again, as Ramadan comes to a close and Eid is suddenly upon us. Ramadan is, amongst many things, about purification. With fasting, we purify our bodies, minds, spirits as well as our material things. To do so, we sacrifice a bit of everything to bring in the new for the coming year. Fasting from food to bring in good energy. Fasting from day to day worrisome thoughts to bring in happier thoughts (think meditation). Fasting from earthly things to remind ourselves of the bigger picture through worship and Quran reading.

Zakat ElFitr, or “Fast Breaking Charitable Offering” is a major part of Ramadan. It’s been noted than one must purify their materials by donating at least 2.5% or whatever one can from their assets they’ve held for at least a year. This is calculating any financial accounts, properties, gold, etc. There are helpful online zakat calculators one can use to help determine how much they should give. Remember, that this must be given before Eid ElFitr prayers to make everything you did in Ramadan count Insha’Allah.

Remember, Zakat isn’t only finances, but it’s also your time and energy such as volunteerism and referring others to do the same. With that and reflecting on my post from two years ago, below are some organizations, Zakat approved, that you should continue to support now and throughout the year.

San Francisco Islamic School (SFIS)

The San Francisco Islamic School (SFIS) has truly come a long way in the last several years. They’ve grown with the love and support of the community in the San Francisco Bay Area. They are working tirelessly to start San Francisco’s first full time Islamic faith based school in the coming year and can use all the support they can get. If you can donate financially or volunteer just a couple of hours a week, I urge you to go to their website and learn more!

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

A community can not be called one if it does not have a strong support system. From losing a job because of faith to defending civil rights on a larger scale, Muslims in the US do come across bigotry and backlash on a daily basis. Through it’s many chapters across the country, CAIR has been that support system for the Muslim community at large. Educating the masses to “know your rights” as well as voicing common concerns of the Muslim community on Capital Hill is the tip of iceberg of the great work CAIR does. Your financial and volunteer contribution goes a long way to support the community. Find a chapter near you and ask how your zakat can support the community.

Islamic Relief USA

Islamic Relief USA

With all that is happening in the world, be it natural disasters or man created conflict, you will always find Islamic Relief of USA there. Day after day, I’m impressed by this 4-star organization’s efforts and dedication to serving humanity at large. When other organizations leave an area, Islamic Relief is still there, for the long haul be it locally throughout the US or on a global scale. I’m honored that I know many individuals on a personal level that work and contribute their time and efforts into this organization and I ask you to do the same.

If you know of any organizations that should be on this list, please post their information in the comments or tweet them to me (@ms_hala).

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Whoever paid it (Zakat al-Fitr) before Eid Prayer, it is acceptable Zakat (for Ramadan) before Allah. Whoever paid it after Eid Prayer, it is just a charity.” The companion of the Prophet used to pay it a few days earlier. – Bukhari, courtesy of Friday Nasiha