Quote of the Day

Don’t forget to help our sisters and brothers in Sudan, Yemen and across the globe, even with a small prayer on this glorious Friday.

Happy and blessed Friday, peeps!

Quote of the Day

Stay busy doing you and living your best life. #JustSaying

Quote of the Day

Today’s the first Friday without Seto (my grandma) and this quote reminded me of how she ended her sentences with a kind word or a prayer. That’s what I’ll carry with me.

Always speak a good word, those can last longer than a lifetime.

Happy Friday, peeps.


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“This was a day when truth overran tweets, when facts overwhelmed bald assertions.” – Dan Balz

Upon the breaking news of Micheal Cohen’s guilty plea and Paul Manafort’s guilty conviction, many declared it to be Trump’s darkest hour of his presidency. The quote that stood out to me upon reading this morning’s Wake Up to Politics newsletter was that of the chief correspondent of the Washington Post, Dan Balz. The truth always prevails and we need to support our press in relaying the truth to the people every single day.