URGENT! Donating to Libyan Revolutionaries

UPDATE: Please follow @HodaEmneina on Twitter as she is organizing several fundraising causes for Libya online!

As you all know, Libya’s uprising has turned extremely violent! Qadaffi’s government has been ruthless as it uses paid criminals and outside mercenaries to attack protesters across the country! No media is allowed in, coverage and pleas for support has been coming in from the people themselves!

It’s through them that we’ve learned that hospitals there (especially in Benghazi) are running out of blood and medical supplies to care for the injured. With the border of Libya and Egypt now being controlled by protesters, medical relief aid is being organized by doctors and hospitals there in an effort to help.

If you can donate to this medical relief aid please email Libyanaid@gmail.com & call +20227940518. If you’ve other sources, please pass them on!!

Thanks to all who are helping and spreading the word, your efforts are greatly appreciated by our Libyan revolutionaries!