Happy Holidays!!

Beef Stew with Mushroom Shrunken Heads!

Eid Mubarak!!

Eid is here peeps! May it be a day filled with joy as we celebrate a new beginning with our loved ones and community at large.

Just because Ramadan has come to a close, we don’t return just to our old ways. What have you learned this past month and carry it forward with you. Know that you didn’t just detox physically, but spiritually too.

May God accept your fasts, prayers and zakat… May God bless you and yours with a joyous and delightful Eid… ameen.

From our family to yours, Eid Mubarak!!

Forty Days

One of my favorite pictures of Mama with my aunties and grandparents a few years ago. Today marks 40 days since my grandmother’s passing. This is how I’ll always remember her, smiling.

May she rest in God’s eternal peace and light… ameen.