October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

mshala-pinkribbonWith the month of October being Breast Cancer Awareness in most parts of the world, I encourage all my peeps to show their support for the cause. Even if it’s as simple as wearing a pink ribbon, someone will ask you about it and you’ve started a dialogue.

Ladies, please go get screened!! Early detection is key to a peace of mind, treatment and recovery. You are never too old it too young, it’s 20 minutes every year, that’s all it takes.

If you’re in the US, visit the American Cancer Society or call the National Cancer Information Center at 1800.227.2345, any day, any time.

If you’re in Qatar, visit Screen For Life or call 8001112. There are three clinics as well as a mobile clinic.

Wherever you are in the world peeps, there is a resource out there for you to utilize. For more resources and information, please visit the World Health Organization.

The sweet set up at InterContinental The City for the launch of Pink Afternoon Tea.

Earlier this week, I was invited to the launch of the informative Pink Afternoon Tea at the InterContinental The City. Throughout the month, the Pink Afternoon Tea will be held at The Lobby Lounge, amongst other “Pink” servings in the hotel, to support the initiative here in Qatar. If you know of any place doing anything in Qatar, the US or anywhere in the world, kindly share them in the comments below.

My goal this month is to start the dialogue on early screening and prevention. I’ll be wearing my pink ribbon and visitng outlets that are providing support to the initiative.

Will you be joining me?

For those whom missed the Pink Afternoon Tea Snapchat story from earlier this week, here it is. Forgive the neck breaking turns but it’s worth it, I promise!

URGENT! Donating to Libyan Revolutionaries

UPDATE: Please follow @HodaEmneina on Twitter as she is organizing several fundraising causes for Libya online!

As you all know, Libya’s uprising has turned extremely violent! Qadaffi’s government has been ruthless as it uses paid criminals and outside mercenaries to attack protesters across the country! No media is allowed in, coverage and pleas for support has been coming in from the people themselves!

It’s through them that we’ve learned that hospitals there (especially in Benghazi) are running out of blood and medical supplies to care for the injured. With the border of Libya and Egypt now being controlled by protesters, medical relief aid is being organized by doctors and hospitals there in an effort to help.

If you can donate to this medical relief aid please email Libyanaid@gmail.com & call +20227940518. If you’ve other sources, please pass them on!!

Thanks to all who are helping and spreading the word, your efforts are greatly appreciated by our Libyan revolutionaries!